About us
what is a kollel?
The word Kollel comes from the Hebrew word "klal," which means group or community. A Kollel is a group of Jewish families dedicated to and united by a shared vision who live, learn, and teach in the community. The Memphis Kollel brings a dynamic group of scholars and their families to Memphis with the mission to enrich and engage the greater Memphis Jewish community with inspired Torah living and learning.
To achieve these objectives, the Memphis Kollel operates on two parallel yet complementary levels. It is an institution of higher learning that brings together Kollel Scholars who devote themselves to intensive personal Torah study. This Rabbinic Fellowship spends time every day deeply involved in maximizing their individual growth and scholarship.
But secondly, and with equal devotion, the Memphis Kollel Scholars reach out to the community, collaborating with other organizations and institutions, to teach, educate, and inspire, men, women, and children of all ages and all religious backgrounds and affiliations.
our team:

Rabbi Yehoshua Nissan
Founding Member

Rabbi Naftali Zions
Rosh Beis Medresh
Rabbi Uriel Nashofer
Kollel Member

Rabbi Noach Karp
Director of Memphis Jewish Experience
Miriam Karp
Assistant Director MJX
Avi Eisenstandter
Office Manager/Bookkeeper
Aliza Gelb
our alumni:

Rabbi Dovid Safier
Rebbi at Cooper Yeshiva High School
Rabbi Dovid Nissel
Rebbi at The Jewish Academy
Hollywood, FL

Rabbi Shmuel Fromowitz
Director of Chevra Relations, NASCK
Cleveland, OH
Rabbi Yaakov Gelb
Rebbi at Margolin Hebrew Academy
​Memphis TN